NOYCE Summit (July '24)
Maryland STEM Ecosystem (July '24)- Academic STEMsphere CoP
ISTE (June ‘24) - Using Digital Conversations to Create Individualized Student Rubrics
American Chemical Society (May '24) - Incorporating Federal Resources into your K-12 Classroom
National Science Bowl (April ‘24) - NSB Coach Clinic - Government Resources
ASTE (February ‘24) - Creative, Innovative, Digital Projects and Resources
LSTA (October '23) - Creating Equitable and Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
NSTA (October ‘23) - "'So a teacher walks into a classroom...' bringing identity and belonging through story to the classroom"
Kyron Learning
Maryland STEM Ecosystem
Johns Hopkins - 'Playing God' Podcast
NASA - Earthrise
Department of Energy - National Science Bowl
National Strategy for STEMM Equity & Excellence
Rutgers University, Express Newark - STEM and Art Collaboration
Chapperone - "Local Teacher's Guide To..."